Blockchain Tech, the Future

I recommend everyone who uses money or the internet start learning the basics of blockchain, as it is proving to be a very valuable technology that, like the internet, will drastically revolutionize the way societies (advanced biological & advanced robotic) relate to each other.

Blockchain, (the technology that Bitcoin is based off of and now 100’s of other companies are adopting) is doing to the banking industry what the internet did for mainstream media—provide diverse alternatives to centralized systems who’s nature it is to become corrupt. With distributed ledgers and smart contracts, blockchain and tangle technologies will swiftly replace outdated technologies.

Decentralized cryptocurrencies & other blockchain based companies who prove themselves in this new, ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) will become increasingly more valuable than their older generation of fiat currencies like the dollar—which is backed by nothing and printed by private centralized companies who profit off of the global financial system as a whole—manipulating it at will. These new technologies will soon be considered more reasonable than their older generation of governance—the way we run our world with ‘rules’ & ‘rulers’.

Now with these systems like Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dash, their is a new possibility—as revolutionary breakthroughs bring—to upgrade. No ones to say which of these companies, if any, is to become the next Google, but the technology they wield is enough to quickly build and soon launch the next phase of the internet—where whole societies are connected online including smart street signs, smart chairs and self driving cars.

This transformation is in the hands of humanity right now. There are many constructing this vision everyday, which is why I say, ‘start learning the basics of blockchain now, as it is proving to be a very valuable technology that, like the wave of the internet, will drastically revolutionize the way we relate to each other.’

We need as many conscious people aware and participating in the designing of this new world. We cannot let corrupt agendas seep into this hopeful bridge, away from banks who fund terrorism, away from dishonest politicians & toxic corporations who will now be held accountable by sophisticated systems.

Even technology comes from nature—every component from minerals and materials here on planet Earth. If we work with the planet and use her technological gifts we are given mindfully, it is my hope that we can coexist and create a more peaceful and reasonable world, for ALL.

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There is fast approaching a time where technology will negate the current monetary system as it is. Capitalism lived out slows this process, even derails spiritual evolution of an integrated techno-humanity. The current system is a game and it concentrates the wealth in such a small pocket while the rest of humanity must toil and struggle to survive. But nature still has the upper hand and technology will return rightfully as nature’s ally. Humanity is apart of that nature. As a species if we are not all winning, we are not winning. So praise the power of equilibrium and unity consciousness.

unity consciousness: empathetic awareness of the whole body of humanity; desire to heal the deficiencies of any area of the body because of the understanding and importance of holistic social equality; efforts toward correcting the maldistribution of life supporting gifts from nature so all can enjoy equally.