The Gestation of Gods: Introduction to my first book I’m publishing soon!

“What we need is the intelligent management of the Earth’s resources.”

—Jacque Fresco


Like many Americans, I was born into a Christian family.  At the same time, we grew up in a culture of consumption that still today, strives to exemplify the United States, as much as baseball and rock’n’roll.  As a middle-upper class family (living very comfortably, but we didn’t have millions,) we were embedded in a web of corporate deception and political dysfunction that our modern societal structure handed us down, however we were not awake enough to realize the effects this enchanted civilization pressed on our shared biosphere; not yet fully aware of the amiss culture we represented—one of grand indulgence.

I was told that God created everything, that we all were born sinners, that Jesus died to save us, and that someday God would return, bringing Heaven to Earth, dispelling all evil.  (This implied for some that the mess we make here on Earth will someday be replenished by a Supreme Being, instead of focusing on being responsible stewards of this Sacred Space, which demands our respect–care for the project of being.)

As I got older, I became dissatisfied with the answers I received from my elders, the church, public schools and the state.  I had deep, genuine questions that were dispersed by heavy laden dogmas.  The scientific explanations I encountered were often laden with dogma too.  This restriction of knowledge has contributed to an anti-enlightenment attitude throughout the mainstream scientific community, whether individuals have possessed it consciously or not.  This perpetual, flaw in method, is due partially to the voice of science historically yielding to the stagnant predilection of the church, which attempts to pull veils over the whole story—our authentic history.  However, the church no longer holds as strong of an influence globally over mainstream education and science.  The process of mainstream education currently is maintained by formal, white collared, academic, Ivy League boy’s clubs whose ‘authority’ has established dominance over current scientific conversation.  These clubs do not protect Truth as much as they protect wealth, and their own at that.  The real juicy knowledge is concealed, masked, even ridiculed, and certainly not offered to the public.  These ‘academic authorities’ greatly influence the nation’s core curriculum, engineered for the standardized, public education system, to be consumed by the masses.  Many alternative topics are suppressed before being properly weighed and considered honestly.  This quickly brings important concepts into the realm of ‘conspiracy’ as not to be taken seriously by the public or the nation.

I started to question all the beliefs I had ever collected from this culture and taken on as ‘truths’without real evidence.  I wrote them down and examined every belief I could think of—clearing out a ton of intellectual garbage—but not overnight.  This process involved discovering other value systems from the cultures and traditions of humanity’s past, even before Christ, the Old Testament or the Vedas.

When I was twenty years old, I embarked on a psilocybin mushroom trip as a part of my exploration of consciousness—continuing the tradition of our shamanic heritage as humans.  I felt incredibly lucid during this experience (reality seemed more ‘real’ than my natural state without the drug.)  

I was being energetically charged as flashes of realization showed me that our well trusted, allopathic health-care system is fundamentally corrupt, although, only a small pie slice of practitioners are privy to the larger strategies involved.  (This was just one of many industries designed to exploit free-citizens for a profit driven creed.)  Many ‘standard’ doctors cannot even be entrusted with our healthcare because they have been indoctrinated in med-school that: ‘For every issue, there is a drug-solution, for every patient, a drug-product that will help.’

Even though many of these practitioners set off to help others, they are often led astray as the medical curriculum revolves around the pharmaceutical industry’s doctrine of health.  Plant and energy medicine are not readily considered by this stagnant ‘standard’ because the financial investment is already in chemical solutions—these patented, costly drugs that are lobbied relentlessly to doctors.  But do not take my word for it, look for yourself and conduct your studies with an open mind, while seeking evidence-based research and information.  Consider the words of developmental biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton:

The fact is that it is not in the interest of the fossil fuel industry to recommend other technologies. This is the same situation in the medical industry. Since energy medicine does not serve the financial interests of the chemical-selling pharmaceutical industry, conventional medicine has no interest in endorsing energy healing modalities…

This experience of consciousness expansion for me was like a seed that was planted into fertile soil.  I began doing diverse research as my questions multiplied.  I found that the FDA and EPA are composed of many individuals who had a previous history of working for the chemical companies they were supposed to regulate, infiltrating government health agencies from the inside and influencing important decisions. It is a conflict of interests when former Monsanto researchers and lobbyists go on to become FDA directors or USDA administrators, yet it has been allowed to take place in this system.  

I began to realize that the government, as it acts abstracted from real people in society, was not working to dissolve corruption.  Nope, the government has become a key enabler in the whole enmeshed power monopoly.  The protective mechanisms of our government that were intended to preserve our civil liberty have slowly been eroded by corporate interests and now the government has cracked like an oyster—opening our republic for business—even above public interest if necessary to maintain profit.  But we must preserve our pearl humanity!  

In fact, we do not even have true democracy in the US and our federal policies, priorities and actions no longer reflect the wishes of the public.  The United States is a polyarchy on its way to full-fledged oligarchy, where those with the most money rule through purchasing elections and bribing those who stand in the way, but it need not continue in this fashion.  Currently, it is the money that talks when it comes to politics.  That is why one must raise at least $50 million in order to qualify for the campaign to be president of the United States and that bar is rising.  Obama’s last presidential campaign raised over $1 billion in 2012.  And the donors who contribute to the campaign and write Obama’s checks are the individuals who craft his actions and his presidency.  Just like all presidents down the line until you get to JFK, the last honest president in my opinion.

Government is like culture, its purpose is to distract and scatter our unity.  It is not our friend.  I am not referring to a specific country’s government or culture.  Instead, I’m referring to those individuals who pull legislative strings globally and work very carefully to manipulate societies and governments without accountability.  Russell Brand calls them trans-national corporations.  Whatever you call them, they are trans-national gangsters and global cartel ringleaders.  They have the ability of working outside of the law because they do not belong to a specific governing body.  These ‘corporations’ exist as independents with a strong grasp on global politics, yet have little concern for global human happiness nor much reverence for nature.  Their ‘ruling’ class and ‘privileged’ positions yield them special sway and amnesty with legislative systems globally.  Just check out ALEC.

All the while, 80 percent of the world’s population earns less than $10 a day.  Over 20,000 people die of hunger and hunger-related causes every day, according to the United Nations.  These are our brothers and sisters who have been marginalized.  Privileged societies are separated from this reality with an entertaining, distracting, busy way of life, yet injustice is still real.  The gap between the rich and the poor has increased so much now that 85 of the richest people have as much wealth as the lower 3.5 billion worldwide.  Yes, under a hundred people own just as much as half the human population globally.  It does not take a genius to recognize the instability of this disparity.


Our current public education system is designed to white-wash souls and indoctrinate the youth with misinformation.  In 2015, American federal spending of tax dollars contributed 2 percent to education and 16 percent to military.  What does this say about priorities?  Let us change and be a nation that focuses on education and learning instead of fear and propaganda.  In a true democracy, each taxpayer would get to choose where their money is going.  Instead, US tax money funds wars around the world (national security or defense) and corrupt correctional facilities which are businesses in and of themselves traded on Wall Street.  The US has spent over 1.5 trillion taxpayer dollars on weapons and wars since 2001, including the war on ISIS, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  Do your own research on military spending.  There are some staggering numbers awaiting you.  

I do not want to focus on the negative aspects of humanity, but they must be addressed and rectified.  Violence begets violence.  Our nation needs to be a better example.  The United State’s military actions have been provoking and pissing off the rest of the world with their own version of terrorism (I say this because there are often innocent casualties when we wage violent retaliation.)  However, America is not the only source of corruption.  

Eventually, I gained a responsibility to join in the movement for a better humanity.  A policy that is rooted in harmony and efficiency.  People are going to remain upset if they do not have tangible equality.  And that is the case now.  Currently, we do not have equal opportunity for every individual worldwide and have reached gross inequality that equates to oppression at a very deep level.  We cannot call ourselves civilized until this is resolved, and the powers-that-be are not interested in making this possible because they do not want to share.  We must take responsibility, all of us, and understand that the systems in place have slowly been tweaked throughout the decades in order to favor only a small portion of the population.  This has been done with the assistance of unjust ‘law’ professionals throughout a superficial financial-market system and corrupt legislative task forces, manipulated by parasites in our global community.  

We cannot count on celebrity-politics to restore this malfunction or bring peace.  We must boycott and march, as well as come together.  We must implement healthy changes within ourselves, stay consistent and learn to trust our intuition.

The ‘leaders’ of nations have let us down with their neglect and deceit.  The presidents have repeatedly endorsed companies like Monsanto and Koch Inc who are known to be contributing to unnecessary chemical pollution due to unhealthy practices, just to name a few.  The Federal Reserve and other private groups have a monopoly on our global economy and we need to make it something much more sacred.  These forces will continue to breed memes of separation if not challenged.  We need not allow ourselves to become defensive though.  That is how we keep losing.  Instead, we must respond consciously.  We can come together, like the rhythmic body works as one for a common goal—to flourish.  It is the forward evolution of humanity that will re-enliven our common love.  

One place to start I think, would be to offer quality, free education as commonplace throughout the globe.  There is no reason people need to go deep into debt to achieve credentials.  Of course some specialty schools may have tuition, but there needs to be better public options.  As long as true education, from unbiased, comprehensive sources is not a focus, there will always be a slave-class and this ‘lower-class’ is growing.  Also, debt is not a necessity for a healthy economy—that follows an attitude of scarcity.  We have enough resources to share if we can just manage them efficiently and responsibly.  

For starters, we must sponsor local fruit and vegetable gardens, cooperatively maintained inevery community.  If everyone invests a few hours a week cultivating these spaces, then we can all reap the shared harvest.  

These simply put, yet break-through revolutions are needed in order for us to thrive sustainably on this planet for future generations, and they will enable us to ditch our dependence on centralized federal bank monopolies all together.  We need to kick our habit for a superficial monetary system that has got us so strung out.  We need to build a healthy infrastructure—one that supports our dreams.

Remember, I’m not suggesting anarchy or communism.  All these labels have kept our hands tied and prevent us from changing anything, even when necessary.  What I’m suggesting is a Resource Based Economy with a more humane structure that serves all.  Because if the people do not do a thing about it, we are facing a preventable fascist future.  We have the tools already.  We must start by managing our own resources responsibly.  Individually, we choose what we invest our attention into and our wealth, and cultivate this Healthy Revolution.

Throughout my journey, I have learned to maintain optimism.  Optimism is a divine gift.  Without it, chaos ensues.  With it, we can build what we desire, as well as disperse calcified, ornery strongholds.

As I have learned to forgive my family, I have learned to forgive myself and embark on this beautiful journey of opportunity.  Years after my parents divorced; after much transformation and healing, my mother became a yoga instructor and introduced me to the practice.  I fell in love and went on to become a guide myself.  Spirit continues to guide me and I continue to learn today as there is no complete doctrine.  We are always evolving, always becoming what we need in order to best serve ourselves and the universe.  I found that each family supports this system because we are all apart of One family and it is up to us all to make it better for our children.  

Along this path I discovered a deep passion: to facilitate healing in others, or to put it more accurately, remind others of their innate healing potential.  The Human Mind-Body System aligns with harmony if not interfered with, achieves equilibrium in a healthy environment.  I went on to become a holistic nutritionist as this seemed of fundamental importance to me—a way to be of service in this modern, fast-paced society.  Not only do we need to be nourished by whole, vibrant foods, but we must abstain from many of the toxic substances available to us modernly.  This includes ridding our own bodies from the parasites who plunder our energy and influence food addiction.

For me, yoga and nutrition were the stepping stones on a path that attributed to the mind-shift of my twenties.  This all stemmed from my earlier investigation into Shamanism.  The Shaman is a healer in his or her community practicing timeless traditions and instigating rights of passage.  This sage figure works with the spirit of nature, while navigating the many layers of existence, using plant medicines from deep in the jungle as sacraments or rhythmic vocal and instrumental trance induced ceremony, holding space for transformation throughout the tribe and the land.    

According to legend, Shiva bestowed the discipline of yoga to us, which offers simple or intricate practices, from meditation to pranayama, asana, and tantra.  Shiva is also said to be the father of shamanism.  

As I discovered more on my path of health and wellness, I grew very excited by the many sub-categories of nutrition including herbal healing, traditional super-foods, and the importance of high-vibrational foods.  All foods affect consciousness and have an energetic signature, but not all are created equal.  

Aside from my background, this message is no cookbook.  If anything, it is a call to action.  We can change our conduct.  We must change in unity or we will perish in unity.  So I began to ask myself, “what can I do about it?”  

If not us, then who?

If not now, then when?

—John E. Lewis

This story is based on my life experiences and lessons I have been learning since I began waking up a decade ago… I’m no adorned sage or formal scholar.  I am a seeker of truth with a spirit for justice and have learned to trust my intuition.  I’ve learned to balance skepticism and intuition, understanding my emotions multi-dimensionally.  

Halfway through writing this book I embarked on a two day vision quest in Sedona.  I went on my own, without food, into nature and created a medicine wheel—a sacred space where I stayed at the top of a mountain.  I stepped out of the cycles of my everyday life, stood outside it among the gorgeous red land.  Here I was able to view my life through a larger perspective and sort some things out.  I examined my life and tapped into some of the wiser aspects of myself.  What I have discovered on my whole journey so far I have attempted to portray here.  

I have come to realize that this story is all of ours, while we all live different versions and speak with diverse voices.  We are writing our story right now.  Let us begin to build a future our children’s children will be proud of.  Please enjoy The Gestation of Gods.

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